Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

How to Use Facebook to Increase Sales

Successful Online businesses have exploded in 2013 and this upward swing is only expected to increase in 2014. If you want to know how to boost your online business traffic generation, keep reading.

For online businesses, it is all about social networking. Currently, the #1 social networking site is Facebook.  Did you know over 800 million people are on Facebook at this very moment? And among these 800 million people, approximately 700 million minutes are spent on Facebook, each year. The average person spends approximately 87.5 minutes on Facebook each day, per year. That is a ton of time that people spend, just browsing on Facebook.

This is why it is crucial for all businesses to find a cheap hosting partner, get online, and be active with Facebook marketing!

The first step is to create a Facebook Business Page. This is a page that you can promote and advertise for your business. As your customers find you on Facebook, it will instantly help you bring in more traffic, because so many people are online.

Now that you have your Business Facebook Page, it is important to create good content!

PHOTOS and VIDEOS! People respond more often and more quickly to pictures and videos, than they do to words and blogs. If you doubt me, realize that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. This is why you should be posting cool and important photos and videos to advertise for your business everyday.

o   People will see the photos and videos of your products and services and “LIKE” them. They may even “SHARE” your photos and videos too, which will help increase the amount of people that see your brand.
o   This creates a link pattern that will increase you sales. If one person “Shares” or “Likes” your photosand videos, then posts it to their news feed, all of their friends can now see your photos and videos! If one of their friends “Likes” your photos and videos too, this is then posted to their news feed and all of the friend’s friends can see your brand too. This can go on an on making your traffic generation explode!
o   With the photos and videos you post, always include a link to direct anyone viewing it to your website to check out your products and services. This will make it even easier for your consumers to find your page and purchase your products. The more accessible you make it for them, the more profitable it will be for you.

If you want to increase your traffic, once your website is created, all you need to do is start social networking on Facebook.

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