Sabado, Hulyo 6, 2013

Website Security Proves Invaluable!

Last month“Visual Website Optimizer” ran contests to have their consumers predict which situation would produce a 400% increase in customer conversions online. They received over 50 entries.

In the case study, two different but identical websites were shown to consumers; one with a security trust seal, and one without. They tested the sites over a 2 week span to see which website could increase their traffic generation the most, and what factors, if any, made that website more appealing to customers.
They found that the website with the trust seal increased their conversion rate by 400%! With this study they found some of the key factors that are needed to increase your website’s conversion rate:

1.      Have a secure Trust Seal placed at the top of you website for all your customers to clearly see. You will want to make sure that the Trust Seal is placed in its own section on your site so it won’t distract from the main focuses of your website.

2.      Have a secure Trust Seal also posted on your checkout page. More consumers purchased products when they knew that their credit card information was secure. It is something that is mostly subconscious to customers, but has proven to work for online business owners time and time again.

Business owners, social media experts and visual optimization professionals have found that time and time again you will increase your traffic generation, conversion rates, and profits by having a secure trust seal on your website. In this case it was a 400% increase!

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