Lunes, Hulyo 1, 2013

The Most Trusted Trust Seal

Baymard Institutes Security Department conducted some recent research to see which website security seal people trust the most. As a result of this research, they found that most people have very little understanding of the technical security of web pages. They mostly just go with their gut feeling.

In response to this phenomenon, successful business owners always ensure that their websites appear professional and feel secure. Online marketing specialists recommend the use of clean, bright background colors, crisp borders and the use of trust seals to increase the perceived website security. The rationale is that when you make your customers feel comfortable, welcome and secure, they will be more willing to purchase your products.

In the last 2013 case study performed by security experts at Baymard Institute, they raised the question: “Which site seals are actually the most trusted by users?” They sent a list of different reliable and trustworthy Trust Seal providers to consumers and had them vote as to which trust seal gave them the best sense of trust when paying online. Out of 2,510 responses, 1,286 (more than half) responded by saying they had “no preference.” However the rest of the group tended to vote for the ones that included the word “Trust” in the name.

They deduced that the actual trust logo you purchase for your site is not as important as the way your site looks. If your customers feel like your website is professional, friendly and inviting, they will trust you more. However, it does help to include a professional Trust Seal that includes the word “trust” in the name.

This sends a subconscious message to your consumers that they can trust your site. This has proven to make them feel more secure on shopping websites, which in turn makes consumers more likely to purchase the products that are offered.

I searched online for trust seals include the name “trust” in them. I found TRUSTe that provides Privacy Seals and Trust Guard that provides Privacy, Business Identity, and Security Trust Seals. According to the report, these two companies have an edge on other website security verification companies solely because of their names.


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