Martes, Marso 6, 2012

Novel Writing Tips to Success

When you first have an idea that you want to share with the world, one of the hardest parts is trying to find out how to relate the story you want to tell. Below I have listed some novel writing tips that will help the blank page on your computer monitor turn into a novel in no time.
1. Begin with a Bang! If you want your novel to be successful, then you must hook your reader right at the beginning. Think of a plot that will tie the reader in and never let them go until you say “The End.”

2. Develop conflict. Things need to be stressful. If life is too easy for your characters, you will not hold the readers' attention. Make it interesting, if you can’t think of anything just write the first thing that comes to your mind and keep going. Things will usually develop on their own.

3. Make promises and keep them. Romance readers want romance; mystery readers expect a good puzzle, adventure lovers expect fast-paced action. Give the readers what they want. Hint at things to come, and then deliver. Don’t start a circumstance or subplot without finishing it, even your minor details need to be resolved.

4. Introduce or foreshadow your main characters. Know your audience and know your star characters. The key players in your story should be clear from the very beginning, whether they are the ‘good guys’ or the ‘bad guys.’ This also goes hand in hand with point of view, stay writing in one tone, with one view. This will make your story more catching and less confusing for the readers.

5. Establish a clear setting. Let the reader know where and when it is all taking place. Keep it simple and well described. One of the most important tips to novel-writing success is in making sure that the reader can follow when and where the action is taking place.

6. Know your ending before you begin. Throughout the entire story, all aspects must intertwine and coincide. If you do not know how your novel is going to end when you begin, it would take a miracle to have it all make sense. Outlines are a great way to keep on track of your novel.

7. Make your readers happy. When you finish a novel, give them the ending with which they will be happy – even pleasantly surprised. That doesn’t necessarily mean it will end happily ever after for suspense lovers awaiting a follow-up volume. Your readers will only remember the beginning, a few things from the middle, and the way your novel ended. If the beginning and end are not outstanding, then the rest of the book is forgotten and dismissed, so go out the same way you start – with a BANG!

Writing a novel can often be a difficult journey, but these key novel writing tips for success can help you break through your writer’s blocks and help turn your novel into a best seller.

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