Huwebes, Marso 20, 2014

The Importance of Quality Web Host Providers

Many business owners do not understand the benefits that a web host provider can provide for their websites. Business owners often think that hosting companies are all created equal.

That is true, to an extent. People who pay just five bucks for hosting often get the same quality of service as those who pay over $20. Your web host provider also has more to do with our online business success that we often give them credit for. This is because of all the benefits web host providers provide, that we often don’t think about:

Web Host Providers don’t just provide a place for you to build and create your website. Of course, they do that too, but they also do a lot more. Web Host Providers build a place of security and efficiency for business owners to run transactions and build their online business.

If online consumers come to your website and the site is down because of a problem caused by your hosting company, you could lose a sale. Even more importantly, you could lose a customer. Choose a hosting company that is inexpensive, but that has a reputation for not having any down time.

You also want to choose a hosting company that has an exceptionally fast and efficient customer service department so that if the site does go down, or you have other issues, you can contact them quickly. Make a phone call to the number they give you before you order their hosting to ensure that a real, live human being answers the phone.

Good luck as you get started on the adventure that is online business! 

Miyerkules, Marso 19, 2014

How to Pick the Best Web Host Provider

When you are getting ready to advance your business and get started online, there are a lot of things you will need to think about. One of them is how to pick the very best web host provider.

Since this is one of the first things you do when building your website online, it is extremely important. Picking the wrong web host provider can set you off on the wrong foot and give you a bad feel for the online business world. However, if you know what to look for online when creating your website, then it will be a lot easier to start a successful online business with a successful web host provider.

·         The first key to finding the best web host provider is to review recommendations and customer testimonials from other people who started off in your exact same place. Businesses can say whatever they want about their own business, but when you hear something from a random customer, you know that their thoughts on the business will be more legitimate and valid for you because they’re not trying to sell you anything.
·         Next you will want to think of the service they offer. You should not work with a web host provider that does not offer ALL of the below service guarantees:
o   No Set-up Fees. (You shouldn’t have to spend a lot to get started online.)
o   Instant Account Activation. (Don’t wait weeks to get started online. Good hosting providers can activate your account immediately.)
o   Multi-lingual Control Panel
o   Site Management Tool. (Test out the ease of using these tools before signing up.)
o   Full-Featured Email Services. (This is important because you will need a business email for your website to be PCI Compliant.)
o   95% - 99.9% Service Uptime Guarantee. (Don’t settle for anything less.)
o   Daily Data Back-up. (Crucial for protecting your data in case of internet disconnect or error.)
o   24/7 Customer Support. (If you have a question about your website, you should be able to get help on it right away, whenever you need it.)
o   Quick Support Response time. (If you submit a ticket or email to be reviewed for assistance, you shouldn’t have to wait more than 3 hours for a response.
o   Money Back Guarantee.
Now, if the web host provider you are reviewing has all of these above features, then you also want to make sure it has good integration quality. For example, a great hosting provider should offer you free installation for programs including: Joomla, Wordpress, PHPBB, osCommerce and Coppermine.

It is important to get your business rolling online if you want to be more successful. And to be the most successful you should get started with the best web host provider companies. Find a hosting company that is extremely affordable, just five bucks, for example, PCI Compliant and friendly to work with. 

Martes, Marso 18, 2014

Puppies Deserve Healthy Teeth Too!

Everybody loves puppies! They are so cute and cuddly and they are always available to listen to us and comfort us. Even despite their puppy breath, we love their hugs, licks and kisses. However, some pet owners tend to forget about making sure their puppies have healthy teeth.

In the November issue of Veterinary Economics, a theoretical practice owner—Dr. Andrew Jereme of Brighton Animal Hospital— helped identify payment alternatives for his clients. Dr. Jereme is one of the top dentists in America. He has been practicing medicine at the same location for 30 years. As the town he lives in grew, so did his dental practice, which now has 4.5 full-time-equivalent doctors.

So why are so many top dentists, doctors and vets so concerned with the quality of dental health of our canine companions? The reason is because they care.

Healthy gums and teeth are so important; not just for people, but for animals too. Having strong gums helps avoid other physical health issues. Also pain, no matter what kind of creature we may be, makes us more irritable. Pain in animals (and humans) can lead them to act in ways they wouldn’t normally. Sadly, this can sometimes lead to animal the being put down; all because they were in pain for not receiving the dental care they needed.

Our pets deserve to work with the best animal dentists available, and so do you. To find the best dentists in your area, visit By finding a veterinarian dentist that you know you can trust, you will be able to feel comfort and peace in knowing that you have improved the quality of life of your best friend! 

Huwebes, Marso 13, 2014

Make 2014 a Brighter Year by Brightening Your Teeth!

Make a New Year’s Resolution that will help 2014 be a brighter year, by brightening your teeth.

Nobody likes going to the dentist, even when we have the top dentist in our area, especially when drills and injections are involved. However, the results of getting our teeth cleaned and whitened makes everyone we see want to smile bigger and brighter.

People underestimate the importance of good dental care. Taking care of your teeth isn’t just good hygiene. It affects the rest of your body’s physical health and even your self-image. There is a spiraling effect to making sure we take care of our teeth.

Ø  When you have no cavities, your gums and teeth are healthier.
Ø   When your gums are healthy, this eliminates other body illnesses and helps reduce how easily your immune system is infected. (Most people don’t realize that your immune system is connected to the health of your gums, but they are.)
Ø  Also, when your teeth are straighter and whiter, you are more willing to smile.
Ø  How much you smile may even be subconscious, but it is proven that with a bright, white, straight smile, you will smile more often.
Ø  The more you smile, the more positive and confident your will be about your self-image.
Ø  This confidence will make you smile even more.
Ø  The more you smile, the more your body thinks you are happy.
Ø  The happier your body thinks you are, the happier your mind will become.

If you think about it this way, our 2014 New Years Resolution to go to the dentist more often to have a healthy, bright smile is in turn accomplishing a New Year’s Resolution to be happier! Being happier is one of the best New Year’s Resolutions we could ever set.

Martes, Marso 11, 2014

Free Dental Services for Kids

The Alamance County Children’s Dental Clinic periodically hosts local events to help provide free dental care for families’ children who normally would not be able to afford proper dental care.

The events are called “Give Kids A Smile” and has locally donated dental services to children since 2003. Incredibly, last year alone 97 children received exams, 573 dental procedures were performed, and 54 children were adopted by a local dental provider for free additional treatment to be provided after the event!

Give Kids A Smile Coordinator Margaret Hooper said proudly in a news release, “This event continues to grow each year. This year, 3 and 4-year-olds will be able to make appointments for free screenings on the Colgate Dental Van by a pediatric dentist.”

Margaret continues on to state, “This is a wonderful opportunity for children who would otherwise not receive dental services to get the dental care they need!”

Not only does Burlington promote this great event to help kids receive free dental care for low income families from top local dentists, but events like this take place all over the world. Visit Top Dentists Online, to find a dentist in your area who participates in local events like this to help children in your neighborhood obtain necessary dental care for free.

Lunes, Marso 10, 2014

Obama Care Ignores Dental Care

In a recent shared article, the American Dental Association quoted: “Taking care of your teeth and gums isn’t just about preventing cavities or bad breath. The mouth is a gateway into your body’s overall health. And since gum disease and other health problems may be linked, brushing and flossing are more important than ever. See your dentist regularly to keep your smile, and yourself, healthy.”

And yet, dental care is not included for anyone above the age of 18 in the Affordable Care Act, promoted by President Obama.

This forces the cost of dental care to become so excessive that most middle-class people are just skipping routine care, while others are in immense debt to their dentists for recurrent costly procedures (such as root canal treatments, the placement of crowns, or periodontal work). Even I am in hundreds of dollars of debt because I can’t afford dental care anymore.

What these representatives voting for our dental care apparently do not see, is that without affordable dental care, the majority of people will have to go without seeing a dentist. They simply cannot afford to visit their nearest dentist. My main question is that if Obama believes we all deserve affordable health care then why isn’t dental care part of the Affordable Care Act?

If the American Dental Association tells us that “The mouth is a gateway into your body’s overall health” then wouldn’t it make the most sense for dental care to be included in our health care coverage? We have the right to good dental care and it care should be included in the Affordable Health Care Act. 

Huwebes, Pebrero 27, 2014

Antibacterial Mouthwash Could Save You Trips to the Dentist

Most people hate going to the dentist. I mean what sounds fun about sitting in a cold chair, staring at the ceiling, while holding your mouth open for hours, letting someone else stick their hands inside your mouth – not to mention the drills and other pointy metal objects? Yeah, that does not sound fun to me either.

But we need dentists in our lives. And when you have a good dentist, these visits won’t seem as painful. Toothaches can be one of the more excruciating pains a human can experience. When your mouth becomes infected it even can hurt the rest of your body’s health. For example, when you experience major gum infection, it is 83% likely that you will get a sinus infection. If the gum infection is not treated within 10 days, the rest of your body is in danger of infection.

Another thing that people may not realize is the importance of using an antibacterial mouthwash on a daily basis.

Did you know that by using mouthwash daily it will actually fight gum disease to such a great extent that could save you trips to the dentist? Well if not, here are some more Fun Mouthwash Facts to help you start using mouthwash to cease gum infection and reduce dental trips!

·         The first mouthwash was developed with the intention of being used as an antiseptic in surgical settings. It made its first appearance in 1879. However, it was later adapted to domestic use as an aide to brushing teeth. Thus, the first general mouthwash was sold over the counter in 1914. The mouthwash was distributed under the trade name "Listerine".

·         Mouthwash has also been used for a variety of different interesting treatments. One of the most bizarre uses of mouth wash was for the treatment of dry scalp in the 1920's. Mouthwash has also been used as a facial cleanser as well as an after-shave lotion. This could probably be because of the high alcohol content of the traditional mouth wash.

·         Mouthwash has also been associated with a condition known as 'hairy black tongue'. This condition results from the overuse of mouthwash. Like everything else, it is important to use mouthwash in moderation.

If you have a gum infection or tooth infection, top dentists in your area should recommend that you use an antibacterial mouthwash to help stop the infection from spreading. They may even prescribe a specific mouthwash to help reduce the infection. So start using mouthwash daily to fight gum disease! I guarantee it will help reduce tooth and gum infections and save you painful trips to the dentist.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 26, 2014

#1 Best Treatment for a Whiter Smile ~ Top Dentist Approved

In a Dental 2013 Press Release, Dr. Mark Icard of Harrisburg, NC said: "Tooth discoloration occurs for many reasons. Certain foods and beverages can darken the enamel, and other times it's a medication or health factor that diminish a patient's white smile.”

Now, we all know that food and drinks injure our enamel. Tea, Coffee, Dark Soda and even Berries are some of the most popular offenders that make our smiles less bright. However, despite popular belief, simply using teeth whitening strips are not enough to give you the bright, white smile you deserve and want.

Dr. Icard continues saying, “Patients typically try to deal with tooth discoloration with over-the-counter whitening products or home remedies. Unfortunately, basic whitening kits and strips don't do justice to patients' teeth because patients' issues differ. Some patients need more than a whitening treatment. Other cosmetic treatment might be more effective and long lasting."

For exterior tooth stains, the American Dental Association recommends that patients consult with a top dental professional regarding whitening procedures and questions. You can use whitening strips and home remedies, but if you want the whitest smile, you should talk to your top dentist.

Another thing that people don’t realize is that most tooth discoloration comes from internal stains. If you notice a lot of tooth discoloration, it is probably from tooth trauma or worn enamel, and you should have a dentist examine your teeth. Veneers are often the best way to solve tricky tooth discoloration and will give you a brighter, whiter smile.

In conclusion, the best way to have a whiter smile is to consult with your top dentist to see what should be done for the best personal results.

Huwebes, Pebrero 20, 2014

Avoid Jack Fraud This Winter: Shop Securely Online

Online shopping is great for many reasons; you can find stuff online that “brick-and-mortar” stores don’t offer, often times you can order something and personalize it to make gifts more special, and you can do it all from the convenience of your own home in your pajamas!

I know that a lot of people don’t like shopping online because they feel it is not secure. The truth is that there are a lot of fraudulent websites out there, online hackers, identity thieves, unsecure check-out pages, etc. However, there are also a lot of ways to make sure that when you are online, you are secure.

During the winter season, I do as much of my shopping as I can at home and online. When I shop online, I don’t have to go anywhere to pick up my items and I don’t have to deal with crazy angry parents looking for the last “Tickle Me Elmo” on the shelves. I also love online shopping because I know the tricks ofkeeping my personal and financial information secure while shopping online.

In this article, I will be sharing with you my online shopping secrets, to help you stay secure while online.

1.      Protect your computer. It always drives me crazy when I hear about people complaining about online fraud and then you come to find out that their own computer is not PCI Compliant or secure. That is just asking for Identity Theft! If you are like me, then much of your life is conducted on your computer. This is why I ensure that my own computer is secure.
2.      Visit Wisely. The first rule to online shopping is: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Before I purchase something online, if it is from a site I am not familiar with I do three things to verify it.
a.    First, Check to see if it has a security seal or trust logo posted on their website. If you don’t see a security seal displayed from a trust online verification company like Trust Guard, it is probably not a secure site.
b.    Next, Check the contacts. I always make sure that the business’ address and phone number match up. If I can’t find the info on Google, I don’t trust it. If I can find it on Google, then I verify it even more and call the number to get more information. If a website does not have a mailing address, phone number, and email address, then it is not a company I want to do business with.
c.    Third, In the URL Bar at the top of your page, check to see if a little secure lock pulls up when you are checking out. If this does not happen, then the check out page is not secure. The lock is the sign that the company has a current SSL certificate.

It is not hard to be secure online. Keep these tips in mind as you avoid the Jack Fraud this winter and shop securely online.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 19, 2014

How to Reduce Online Fraud

The National Institute of Standards and Technology awarded Pennsylvania a $1.1 million grant as part of the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace,
(NSTIC,) a public-private initiative to seek ways to create a so-called identity ecosystem that lets individuals choose from an array of credentials to transact business online. They are launching a development to protect its state’s residents from fraud.

In a recent interview with the State Information Security Media Group (CISO), Avakian says, "This is really going to enable convenient, secure, privacy-enhancing online transactions for our customers.This grant is going to enable secure online transactions which should also reduce fraud.”

As always, some citizens are upset that so much money was granted to CISO to prevent online fraud. I am proud of PA for recognizing how severely dangerous online fraud, identity theft and hacking has become. With everything taking place online in today’s world, any steps we can take to be more secure and prevent fraud are crucial.

In the interview, Avakian discussed how the pilot project:

·         Is set up to help reduce fraud for businesses and consumers, with research to back-up software systems which will prevent fraud and provide more accessible trust seals and security scans.
·         Will “piggyback” on existing enterprise directory services that provide single identities to state employees. This will decrease identity theft.
·         The grant will also benefit and employ outside identity verification services.

More states should take a stand against identity theft and hackers and make a difference to prevent online fraud. You don’t even have to spend $1.1 million, like the State of Pennsylvania, all it takes is raising a little awareness.