Linggo, Disyembre 11, 2011

Smile Bright, Get More Dates

My daddy is getting old and like all of us, he doesn’t want to be alone for the rest of his life. He works hard and is an amazing man, but his teeth suck! His smile is crooked, and chipped teeth with gold crowns inhabit his mouth, diminishing his awesome personality and bright blue eyes, so he has decided that he has to get his teeth fixed before he can start dating.

We all know how expensive the dentist is, and if your teeth are even half as bad as my father’s (whom I love immensely), then it is essential that the dentist you hire to make your smile brighter is a skilled professional that cares about the quality of your teeth and the beauty of your smile.

Finding an amazing dentist is hard to do and it can often be tricky to know which dentist will do a really good job and won’t just talk the talk. You can talk to friends and family about where they have gone. You can also go online to a dentist directory site and look for testimonials from legitimate previous customers.  Dental directory websites offer information on the most prestigious and affordable dentists in your area. They are often categorized by the dentist’s name. Often they are complete with customer ratings and testimonials. On one directory I was able to review five dentists in my immediate area. Thanks to the internet and dental directories, I think I found the perfect dentist for my dad!

Our smiles are the second thing we notice when we meet people (the first are our eyes). If we have a bright, happy smile, then we will have more confidence in ourselves and get more dates because of it! So if you are looking for love, happiness, or just a beautiful smile to share with those around you, search online for the best dentists in your area. 

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