Martes, Nobyembre 29, 2011

How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Plan

I have made thousands of dollars with my own products as well as thousands as an affiliate of other people’s products. I know that the key to online success for this decade is to know how to effectively navigate the waters of social media marketing.

Early on in my online marketing career, I was blessed to become associated with two extremely successful online businessmen. One is the owner of Trust Guard. Trust Guard is the leader in website security and verification. Chances are you have seen their green shield on an ecommerce site.

Their seals show visitors to thousands of sites that the business is legitimate, that their information will be kept private, and that the website is protected against hackers. The owner, David Brandley, also created The Ultimate Link Exchange. Dave taught me the value of writing articles and linking one website to another. I’ll come back to that in a moment.

The other online genius I met early on was Garrett Pierson, author and social media guru. Garrett created the comprehensive, 20 module social media video guide known throughout the world as Building Social Equity. Thanks to him, I learned the value of writing articles and posting them on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many, many others.

When I decided to put the two forms of succeeding online together, I became successful myself. Now I use the talents of Dave, meshed with the skill of Garrett to write articles and submit them through a complex linking system to social media and article directory sites throughout the world.

Thanks to the help and support of these two successful online businessmen, I have been able to help thousands of online consumers learn about previously unknown quality products and services. In fact, now they are utilizing my services as much as I am utilizing theirs.

That just goes to show you the power of the internet. I can show you how to create an effective social media marketing plan. First, get Garrett’s twenty social media videos and do what he tells you to do. Other social media professionals charge ten times what Garrett charges for half the product. I guarantee you will learn how the beginnings of how to create your own social media marketing plan.

Next, display Dave’s Trust Guard seals on your website. If people don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you – period. His seals are more effective than McAfee Secure and you can get them at a fourth the cost. Lastly, order some articles from me. I will distribute all over the internet for you and increase your targeted traffic significantly or I will double your money back. You heard me – Double!

That’s because the service I offer is a no-brainer. My quality articles, written by U.S. college students and edited by U.S. college graduates are filled with relative content specific to your needs. I place them on your website and throughout the internet. People looking for your product read my article and click on links to your website. You make more sales. Is there more for you to learn about How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Plan? Sure there is! There is social proof products like Shopper Approved and customer support software like Rhino Support to name a couple. But until you do these three things, my other recommendations won’t make a difference.

Get busy and you will be successful!
Talk to you soon,

Huwebes, Nobyembre 24, 2011

Think of the Search Engines as Your Customers

If you want to improve your on-line presence, and all of us involved with social media marketing do, try thinking of the search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo as your customers.  Imagine that each one of your web pages is a treasure chest, and your customers, the search engines, want to know what is inside of it!
Help search engines open the treasure chests within your website by acting upon the following advice:
  1. All of your web pages need to link to each other.  But don’t make visitors or the search engines make more than two clicks to access every page.  One click access is even better.  Some web designers mistakenly believe that the more complex each web page is, the more visible it will be to the search engines.  This is not true.  Your online visitors and Google want their experience on your website to be as simple “flat” as possible.  Social media marketing is all about helping others in any way possible.  Search engines know how frustrating it is for customers if they have to go through four or five layers to get to where they want to go – and they judge your site accordingly.  To find out more about this topic, you can review Google’s downloadable Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.  However, before you leave, here are a few more recommendations you should heed.
  2. When possible, keep each web page’s address or URL clean and short – without any weird punctuation marks, equal signs, or underscores.  Also, make sure you use detailed, relevant keywords in the address that are pertinent to the information on the page. You will lose ground with your attempts to improve social media marketing and the search engines will dock you if your web page’s address has little to do with the actual content on the page itself.
  3. Name your web pages.  You might overlook the title bar at the top of each browser window, but search engines don’t!  Give each page a keyword-driven, concise, title.  If you sell knit beanies, for example, don’t title your page “Keep your head warm.”  Instead, title it “Hand Knit Beanies.”
  4. Be as descriptive as possible for the search engines in the descriptive fields as you are finishing the page and getting ready to publish it.  Think about this area as the text in a catalog.  In order to improve your social media marketing through smart search engine optimization techniques, you must grab the attention of the reader, and the description must be relevant to its web page.
  5. Include a h1 heading tag to every article.  Without an h1 heading tag on each page of your website, search engine crawlers will have trouble understanding your content just as if you would have trouble reading an article that didn’t have a headline or title.
On a social media marketing note, if you use other people’s information, like I have for some of this article from Erin Weinger’s article “What you don’t know about SEO” (Thank you very much!), make sure you mention their assistance, and your gratitude for their help.  Who knows, you could even get a link back from them, increasing your online presence and optimizing your search engine opportunities.

Lunes, Nobyembre 21, 2011

Top Ten Tips to Writing an Effective Online Article

Anyone can write an article and post it in an article directory or social media site. But for your article to be powerful enough to take potential clients to your website, there are a few things it should include.  Below we have listed the top ten ways to write an eye-catching, traffic-generating article that will bring your online business more money more often.

 What we haven’t included is the basics: correct grammar and proper spelling. If you understand the value of article writing but are concerned about your writing ability, contact an online article and submission company. They will either write it for you or edit what you write.

1.      Use a Catchy Title. This first step is tricky depending on your industry and market. The key is to find out what questions your soon-to-be customers are asking then answer it for them. If your article doesn’t have a title that answers a question, solves a problem, or peaks someone’s interest, nobody is going to read it!

2.      Make It Real. In your article you want to include personal experiences that will allow your readers to relate to the words you are saying. If a customer feels that they can relate to you, then they will want to purchase a product from you, and you will be able to make more sales. So build rapport and keep it real.

3.      Be Trustworthy. Keep all the facts straight. Do a significant amount of research before writing your article. Don’t degrade your competitors. And don’t pretend to be a third-party and stay stuff like, “Hi, I am not affiliated at all with ‘this’ product, but I use it every day and I love it!” People can see right through sneaky, dishonest salespeople.

4.       Be Informative. State your facts, use statistics and stay organized. Relevant quotes always make articles more professional. There are tons of online sites that can help with information like and Wikipedia. is getting more and more relevant as informational videos become more available.

5.      Keep it Clean. Never clutter up your article with too many links or keywords. This could distract your reader from the information provided and make them feel like they are being sold. People who feel like they are being sold, don’t buy. People who feel that you are resolving their issue or filling a need, buy.

6.      Be of Service. If you are working at a restaurant that doesn’t serve breakfast after eleven in the morning and a customer asks if there is anyone in town that does, give them the directions to the nearest Denny’s or Village Inn. They will appreciate your willingness to help them.

7.      Stay Relevant. If your article is about how our range of motion in our hands and arms indicates our capacity to receive, don’t talk about your training course on becoming a body language expert. Give them a link or two back to your site where, if they were captivated by your informative article, they will find out about your training course and sign up for it.

8.      Look Your Best. Make sure there are spaces between paragraphs and that your paragraphs are short. It makes them easier to read. It is fun to test out new fonts and be creative, but leave this for your website – not articles. You don’t want the font to distract from the message.

9.      Be Easy Going. Whenever you can, use articles to tell a story. You want the reading experience to be enjoyable. Try not to use college graduate-level words or industry-specific phrases unless you explain them. One of the best ways to test if your article is ‘readable’ is to read it out loud.  

10.  Have Fun! That is the one of the most important steps to writing an effective article. Enjoy yourself! Don’t be afraid to show a little of your personality in your writing. If people fall asleep while reading, they probably won’t purchase your product. Entertain them. Give them hope!
For a more comprehensive report on article writing, visit   

There could be thousands of people all around the world looking for what you have to offer. They just don’t know that your product or service exists. The next time they do a search relevant to what you have to offer, help them know where to find what they need by writing relevant articles and then posting them online.