Lunes, Disyembre 26, 2011

Safe and Secure Holiday Shopping

The Holiday season is finally here! Soft falling snow makes the world more peaceful, beautiful and white. People are enthusiastically shopping for gifts for loved ones. Children are becoming more and more excited with each passing day as they think of Santa’s inevitable visit.

Perhaps you are one of those who have procrastinated your holiday shopping.  We all procrastinate for different reasons. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have enough money to get what we really want. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have enough time do research and some of us don’t feel safe shopping for the items we want to give. Sometimes we’re afraid to give the wrong gift – especially to our spouses and significant others.

This time of year, most retail outlets are insanely busy and most roads are jam packed. This is why I do most of my holiday shopping online.

Shopping online is simple and easy. You can do it in your pajamas! But it’s not stress free. Although you don’t have to worry about someone stealing your presents as you’re walking out with them or while they are in your car as you are purchasing more, some online shopping outlets can be just as dangerous. While you are online shopping for the newest, coolest presents, hackers are online trying to access your personal information and steal your identity and your money.

Computer hackers are everywhere and they are certainly good at what they do (which is being bad). But sadly, some online business owners are also in the business of purporting to offer an expensive, coveted gift, and then providing you with a cheap knock-off.

Here are some steps to protect you from online scrooges:

Make sure the websites you visit display a Business Verification Seal. This will prove to you that the company is a legitimate business that you will be able to contact should you have any issues with your purchase.
Make sure the websites you visit have a Security Scanning Seal. This seal demonstrates that the website is safe and free from vulnerabilities that hackers use to access websites and remove information that you as a consumer have provided such as your email, phone, and credit card information.

Check to ensure that the websites you visit have an active SSL certificate so that your credit card information is taken from the website and sent to the merchant bank in a safe, reliable manner.
Another way to stay protected is to keep your computer and your software programs up-to-date. Use the newest and best network security systems, and stay protected. If you have a virus, fix your computer immediately to avoid future viruses and hackers. Also keep all pop ups blocked. Pop-ups are generally hackers trying to get onto your web screen, so don’t let them.

Whether you bravely visit retail outlets or do your last-minute shopping online, be safe out there! 

The Joy of Writing

Whether you are a student that has difficulty with English grammar, someone who considers themselves to be a writer, without having finished that first book, or a businessman or woman that dislikes writing proposals or business plans, you probably are wishing that there was convenient, cost-effective way you could do what needs to be done without doing it yourself.

Good news! Articles and Submissions, LLC can help!

Just give them an idea of what you would like the essay to cover, and they will cover it. There is quite a process to provide a professional level article. First they research and then they write. Then they review and edit the paper. If they miss anything, or if there is anything you would like to add, just let them know and they will revise it. The essays become your personal property when complete.

For business plans, they can write projections, add charts and graphs and images, and organize your new organization complete with table of contents, bibliography, and addendums if necessary. also provide ghost writing services. If you want to write a book, just get with them. They will get the information from you and either record it with you or have you record it. Then they will transcribe it, revise paragraphs and chapters, edit it and add to it if there are pieces missing. Then you will get to review and revise it before they make final revisions. Lots of books have been written with ghost writers without anyone knowing it because the author of the information receives all the credit for the book, not the ghost writer.

Even people who have always wanted to write a book, but never thought they could because of their limited writing skills find themselves as best sellers because of ghost writing teams like Articles&Submissions.

So if you need a business plan, essay or book written for you, A&S guarantees your happiness.  

Save Time, Make Money with Articles &!

Do you have an online business that isn’t making as much money and you know it could? Would you like a guaranteed increase in your online targeted traffic without paying an arm and a leg?

Articles and Submissions, LLC can provide you with more traffic to your website every month by writing and submitting relevant articles about your company and your products. It’s a time-consuming job that requires the skills of U.S. college students and graduates to write and edit the articles before they go online. then sends the articles to article directory and social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, You Tube, HubPages, Posterous, Drop Jack, and many, many more! When people are searching for your keyword, they find it by typing the keyword into an online search engine like Google or Bing or Yahoo. Then the search engine searches for articles, pictures, and videos relevant to the keyword. If the article is fresh, it shows up as one of the first options. If it is clicked on a lot, it also shows up as one of the first options.

A&S can save you time and make you money by writing articles for you and then submitting them online so that tons more people show up to your website.

Testimonials from top tier corporations like Trust Guard and the Independent Stock Market brag how Articles and Submissions, LLC increased their targeted traffic by 30%! So sit back and have do all the writing and submitting work for you. They guarantee your targeted traffic will increase during the very first month you use their services. You’ll make more money, and have more time to  improve your products and customer service, not to mention your golf swing!

THE ADDED VALUE OF CTR TITANIUM RINGS introduced a 100% titanium ring for the LDS market with the CTR shield logo because all the other titanium CTR rings have plastic or rubber.

Deseret Book, a popular publisher and retailer of LDS products, noticed the popularity of titanium rings with a CTR logo on them and decided to go into the titanium ring business.  Unfortunately, they chose not to offer a one-hundred percent titanium ring because of price.   Of course if cost is your concern, you might as well buy a regular composite silver CTR ring. 

The Founder of Adam Brandley actually offered us the names of their competitors and recommended them. He said that the difference between his company and the competition is that he wanted to offer a CTR ring that could be handed down from generation to generation, a true keepsake! 

Sharon Hopkins and Tiffany Barringer, who built the website and manage it on a daily basis, explained that CTR stands for “Choose the Right.”  Mr. Brandley joked that some people in the Catholic religion like to use it to represent, “Catholic’s Totally Rule!” 

Titanium is one third the weight of Steel and four times as durable.  “You can take a hammer to it and it won’t bend,” said one customer.

If you go to jewelry stores to buy a plain titanium band you will pay anywhere from $150 to $700. Some jewelry stores mix titanium with other metals, which weakens the composition. delivers 100% titanium with the CTR logo for only $119.00 – much less expensive than jewelry store products.

Some LDS themed website owners asked Adam if they could offer the titanium ring with the CTR shield logo to their customers. Adam approved their request so that more people would have access to them.  The other businesses that offer this wonderful product include: and

If you have further questions, go to  If you read this all the way through – and copy this article to an email – so we can track this article’s effectiveness - has agreed to send you a second CTR titanium ring with your first CTR titanium ring purchase. Two for the price of one just in time for Christmas!  So copy this article into an email and send it to and receive two titanium CTR rings for only $119.00.

Keep the faith and Choose The Right!

Linggo, Disyembre 18, 2011

Top 20 Social Media Marketing Sites!

By building our online social equity and utilizing the exponential key components of social networking, our online sales will be more than twice what they would be if we did not. Social media sites all over the internet allow us to post articles, blogs, and useful information. However, when you post articles, how do you know if you are getting the most bang for your buck?
Which sites being visited by people in your market?
How accessible are those sites?
Are they easy to navigate?
Do you have the ability to participate in forums?
These and other questions must be answered when deciding which social media site you want to use to market your brand and your product. And although the values of online networking sites change based on the relevance to your industry and market, there are some that benefit online companies at almost every level. 
I have listed below the best social networking sites as recognized by Google and online social media marketing experts. Some of these sites allow you to submit whole articles, others online links. Writing and submitting articles is more critical now than ever, as a way for online consumers to find your product or service. If you don’t like to write and submit, or simply don’t have the time, contact a professional company like to do it for you.
For those of you ready to commit to the process, it’s time to learn as much as possible about every one of the following websites. Some of the sites are as valuable as your personal website, and the templates and hosting are free!
Here are the absolute top 20 social networking sites. By using these sites as you build your social equity, you will be able to make more money more often online!
1.      Facebook
2.      You Tube
3.      Twitter
4.      Google Wave
5.      Word Press
6.      Squidoo
7.      Hub Pages
8.      Posterous
9.      Stumble Upon
10.  DropJack
11.  Delicious
12.  Digg
13.  Tumblr
14.  Reddit
15.  GoArticles
16.  Gather Scribbd
17.  Weebly
18.  Ezine Articles
19.  Technorati
20.  My Blog Log

These are proven, by professional social networkers that work with Google every day, to bring in the most sales. We have created a twenty module course for helping online businesses understand how to best use each of the above mentioned sites. Building social equity is vital to obtain and maintain a successful online business.

Linggo, Disyembre 11, 2011

Smile Bright, Get More Dates

My daddy is getting old and like all of us, he doesn’t want to be alone for the rest of his life. He works hard and is an amazing man, but his teeth suck! His smile is crooked, and chipped teeth with gold crowns inhabit his mouth, diminishing his awesome personality and bright blue eyes, so he has decided that he has to get his teeth fixed before he can start dating.

We all know how expensive the dentist is, and if your teeth are even half as bad as my father’s (whom I love immensely), then it is essential that the dentist you hire to make your smile brighter is a skilled professional that cares about the quality of your teeth and the beauty of your smile.

Finding an amazing dentist is hard to do and it can often be tricky to know which dentist will do a really good job and won’t just talk the talk. You can talk to friends and family about where they have gone. You can also go online to a dentist directory site and look for testimonials from legitimate previous customers.  Dental directory websites offer information on the most prestigious and affordable dentists in your area. They are often categorized by the dentist’s name. Often they are complete with customer ratings and testimonials. On one directory I was able to review five dentists in my immediate area. Thanks to the internet and dental directories, I think I found the perfect dentist for my dad!

Our smiles are the second thing we notice when we meet people (the first are our eyes). If we have a bright, happy smile, then we will have more confidence in ourselves and get more dates because of it! So if you are looking for love, happiness, or just a beautiful smile to share with those around you, search online for the best dentists in your area. 

Don’t Invite Pests Into Your Home

With winter coming, we all know that many of the outdoor pests we hate, like spiders, ants, mice, rats, stray cats and rabid dogs, all want to come inside. They want to come into our homes and make what is ours, theirs.

And we, (or our kids) often invite them into our home and allow them to enjoy of our warmth and eat our food. They build webs on our walls and ceilings, bite us, make a mess of our house and bring in diseases. All of us need to learn how to control these pests to keep them out of our homes this winter. Here are some recommendations.

First, never leave food lying around. Crumbs on the floors, open containers, half eaten snacks still on the table are all formal invitations for rodents and ants to enter into and eventually infest your home, making you extremely uncomfortable and possibly outnumbered. Sweep and mop your floors often. And before you 
sweep and mop, dust the walls and ceilings.

Second, keep doors and windows shut and protected with bug-proof screens. Open doors give vermin easy access into your home. Pests like mice and rats, can’t squeeze in cracks like ants and spiders can. They need a larger opening. By keeping your doors and windows closed and by installing screens, you will be saving yourself from filth, disease and the expense of hiring professional pest and animal control removers.

Third, stay tidy. Make your house clean and de-cluttered. Pests love messes and piles of clothes on the floor, cluttered places where they can easily hide and stay out of your view, to live longer and reproduce often. If you stay clean and tidy, pests won’t have a place to hide.

Pest and unwanted animals are a pain to get rid of if they get out of hand, but following these tips will help you control pests and keep your home, yours. 

Biyernes, Disyembre 9, 2011

Mouth Makeovers!

What is cosmetic dentistry? Is it a makeover for your teeth? Basically! Cosmetic dentists perform quality procedures to help make your teeth look beautiful so that you will be more confident and smile bigger and brighter!

So what exactly do cosmetic dentists do? From subtle changes to major repairs, your dentist can perform a variety of procedures to improve your smile. There are many techniques and options to treat teeth that are discolored, chipped, shaped weird or missing. Your cosmetic dentist can reshape your teeth, close spaces, restore worn or short teeth and alter the length of your teeth. Common procedures include bleaching, bonding, crowns, veneers, reshaping and contouring.

These improvements are not exclusively cosmetic. Many of these treatments can improve oral problems, such as your bite, as well as provide you with a smile that you can be proud of. They do this by using some of the following techniques:
Bleaching is a common and popular chemical process used to whiten teeth. Some people get their teeth bleached to make stains disappear, while others just want a whiter shade.
Discoloration occurs in the enamel and can be caused by medication, coffee, tea and cigarettes. Discoloration also can be hereditary or due simply to getting older.
Bleaching can be performed by your dentist in the office or, under dental supervision, at home. Many patients enjoy bleaching at home because it is more convenient. Treatment begins when your dentist creates a custom mouthpiece to ensure the correct amount of whitening solution is used and that your teeth are properly exposed. Typically, whitening at home takes two to four weeks, depending on the desired shade you wish to achieve. Whitening in the office may call for one or more 45-minute to one-hour visits to your dentist's office.
Bonding is tooth-colored material used to fill in gaps or change the color of teeth. Requiring a single office visit, bonding lasts several years. Bonding is more susceptible to staining or chipping than other forms of restoration. When teeth are chipped or slightly decayed, bonded composite resins may be the material of choice. Bonding also is used as a tooth-colored filling for small cavities. Additionally, it can be used to close spaces between teeth or cover the entire outside surface of a tooth to change its color and shape.
Crowns, also known as caps, cover a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and appearance. Due to their cost, they are used in cases where other procedures will not be effective. Crowns have the longest life expectancy of all cosmetic restorations, but are the most time-consuming.
Cosmetic dentists can perform many other procedures too such as veneers and reshaping. All of these help give you the smile you want to show off to the world. Find a dentist that is right for you at an online directory where the dentists are rated and have customer testimonials so that you will be able to have the best work done on your teeth. Make your smile beautiful with cosmetic dentistry today!

Choosing A Killer Dentist

A recent online article disclosed that convicted killer Colin Howell attempted to manipulate the legal system to get a reduced plea in his double murder trial.

The disgraced dentist made the claim on his fourth day of evidence in Colerain Crown Court. Appearing in the trial of his former lover Hazel Stewart, he said that he knew that if he could convince the psychiatrist that the murders had been a “spontaneous act,” he could submit a manslaughter plea on the grounds of diminished responsibility instead of murder and receive a shorter sentence.

A defense lawyer yesterday accused the disgraced dentist of being a “monster” who carried out the murders simply for money and that he killed his lover’s husband simply to strengthen his alibi for the murder of his wife.
We all know that there are crazy people like Colin Howell in this world. Some are just sick and twisted and do things that most of us could never even imagine doing. That is why, when you are choosing your dentist, it might be a good idea to do a little research – or have a reliable third party do some research for you. You should choose a dentist that is going to improve your family’s oral health, not one who is secretly plotting ways to kill people.

Top Dentists Online and other online dental directory sites are great ways to find reliable, trusted dentists in your area. By typing in a few relevant keywords, you can find one of these websites through any online search engine. There you will be able to read reviews from previous customers on their experiences with their dentist and his or her staff. Many of these sites allow each dentist to receive a professional rating with stars or checkmarks so that you will be able to easily tell the level of quality each dentist offers. Eventually, we are confident you can find the best dentist online.

Don’t waste your time going to a dentist that probably isn’t taking good care of your teeth, or someone who is more interested in your money than in your well being. You deserve to find a top dentist online that cares about you and your family. You want a ‘killer’ dentist (meaning that his or her services are inexpensive, pain-free, and professional), not a ‘killer’ dentist like Howell. Online directory sites like can help.

How to Keep your Computer Safe

In life, sometimes we feel like nothing we try works. Everything around us crumbles and fails, and it seems that the path to success has been boarded up with an iron gate, triple locks and 500 pound chains. Without good online security in our websites, everything around us really will crumble. Online safety is essential to the success of internet business owners. Trust seals, security (or vulnerability) scans, and website protection to secure our online companies from would-be hackers – keeping our customers’ personal identities, bank accounts, and all other information private and safe.

Getting your website protected with more than just an SSL certificate is critical to succeeding online. That’s because the possibility of someone, some group of hackers, or even some nation or terrorists waging “cyber-war” or “cyber-terrorism” grows with each passing day.

In the past decade, hackers have taken down nine of the 14 servers that run the Internet in the USA.  They have penetrated the Pentagon, the Dept. of Defense, the Dept. of Army and who knows what else—and this was 3-4 years ago, in the 2007-2008 time frame.  Now, in 2011, so much of our infrastructure and day-to-day existence is controlled by computers and communicated by networked devices, that a widespread attack would be even more devastating.

Just this week, a Computerworld article reported that 80% of all web browsers in use are vulnerable to attack.  In fact, all of our systems are vulnerable to attack to some degree, including many of our supposedly most secure government systems.  Simply consider the information that WikiLeaks gained access to—and that was allegedly with the help of human intervention, which is often the case with security breaches.

But don’t worry, it is never too late. Professional online security scanning companies like McAfee Secure and Trust Guard are created to fight against computer hackers. Trust Guard, for example, checks for over 43,000 vulnerabilities hackers use to infiltrate websites. If holes in your website are found, they send a report so that the vulnerability can be immediately repaired. You can succeed as an online business owner. Your first step is to stay safe and protected from hackers. 

Computer Hacker Steals $275,000

A Texas man pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing about $275,000 by hacking into computer networks; his name is Jeremy Parker age 26 and has been hacking computers since he was just twelve years old. He even admitted to hacking into NASA computer networks.

Hackers are never just messing around. They always have a plan and a sure-fire way to steal as much money as they can from companies, and often times customers of companies as well. The most dangerous part is that most people don’t believe or know how much damage a computer hacker can cause to your computer, online systems, and your bank accounts and personal information. This is the summary of how severe the problems are that computer hackers can create, and just part of the damage this one caused.

From a recent article written on the case, Parker admitted that from Dec. 23, 2008 through Oct. 15, 2009, he hacked into the computer network of SWReg Inc., a subsidiary of Eden Prairie-based Digital River.
SWReg pays independent software developers who write code. Royalties owed to those developers are accumulated at SWReg, which can electronically transfer the money to the developer’s bank account. Parker hacked into SWReg’s system, created the money by crediting the SWReg accounts, and then caused that money to be wire transferred to his bank account instead of the accounts of several developers, federal authorities said.

Parker pled guilty to wire fraud and faces up to 20 years in prison on that charge, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minneapolis. He also faces up to 10 years on a computer hacking charge. His sentencing date has yet to be set.

Parker also admitted that on Sept. 24, 2009, he hacked into two computer servers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The servers supported access to data being sent to Earth from satellites gathering oceanographic data, but didn’t have control over the satellites themselves.
Once the breach of its computer system was discovered, NASA spent approximately $43,000 to repair the damage. About 3,300 users were denied access to the data for a period of time, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office.

Parker was not officially charged in connection with the NASA case, but the U.S. attorneys in Minnesota and Maryland agreed to include the NASA incident in the sentencing hearing.

Computer hackers attack computer systems to try to steal your identity, money, credit history and ruin your computers. Many of them are good at what they do. If you are not protected with online security systems that are specifically created to protect you from hackers, then you are at a much greater risk than you may think. Vulnerability scanning by companies like McAfee or Trust Guard can protect online consumers from crazy computer hackers like Jeremy Parker.

Huwebes, Disyembre 1, 2011

Top 10 Social Media Strategies

Social Media Marketing is the fastest, most wide spread, newest form of communication.  Successful networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, Hubpages, and blogging sites are often not used to capacity by website owners because they are unaware of the social site’s ability to significantly increase their online visibility.  

Here are the TOP 10 ways to be successful in the Social Media Marketing world. Simply read, absorb and for increased brand awareness from online consumers.
1.      Be Personal– If you want to grow your network of followers, personalize your own profile. Do not turn your profile into a billboard for your company and/or product. You should instead be yourself and personalize your profile with a few things that let people get to know you. Be simple and honest. The more they know and trust you, the more they will learn to trust your company.
2.      Build Lasting Relationships – Use social networks to increase your reach. Get to know people through casual personal contact. If you truly plan on long term business relationships, you must allow these relationships to grow naturally. Being someone’s friend often creates the best business partners.
Relationships come first in social media, business comes second! You may have heard that relationships are built phases or steps. First is meeting someone, and getting to know them. Then it is building a relationship of enjoyment, where you find that you like each other. The last is a where you know each other well enough to build a relationship of trust. Before you build online relationships, you need to meet people, and give them the opportunity to meet you.
3.      Place Value and Trust– To build the ‘like’ part of “know, like and trust” regarding online relationships, you must provide some kind of value, whether it is educational, entertaining, or enlightening. Inform the people about you and your business in a positive, helpful manner. The trust will follow when you provide value with consistency, visibility, and honesty. Trust is the most important way to reach success in life and as a business owner.
4.      Create Contacts– As you make friends with people on social networks add them as contacts. The number of contacts you have will constantly expand as you take part in the social media world by contributing valuable content.
5.      Join groups – You must become involved in the social networking world if you expect to communicate effectively in it. By joining groups, you connect to more people. Your contacts will feel more of a personal bond towards you when they learn that you have things in common.
6.      Do Your Part— Within your groups, contribute. Go to activities, comment on interests, and give away free products and services without hitches. Remember, your friends all have friends who have friends who have other friends. The more you grow, communicate and build trust, the more they will too.
7.      Be Seen—Stay visible and active. If your contacts and friends don’t know you are there, they won’t stay in touch or care what you have to say. Constantly comment and add new groups you’re interested in and communicate with them online, and offline. Change your profile with added pictures. Upload a humorous video.
8.      Declare Yourself— Post your information often. By posting business updates you will be able to create links to your own website and pull your friends/contacts into your business world. Have subtle discussions about your products without sounding salesy. Do not constantly advertise your brands or company, wait until somebody asks about them.
9.      Discuss Honestly— As you communicate about business matters remember that people always come first! Ask for advice and for other people’s opinions on how to make things better. See what products they like to use and why. Comment quickly, responsibly and effectively. Listen to what they have to say. If you ignore them, they’ll ignore you. Honest communication and trust is the best way to receive success in Social Media Marketing.
10.  SPAM-Free is the Way to Be— While you declare yourself, stay away from SPAM, as it creates a barrier between you and a potential online associate. As author Vicki Berry said in an article: Rules with Social Media,
“It is particularly presumptuous and unprofessional to post your product ads or business opportunities on someone’s social networking profile. This is akin to walking into their house without invitation while they are having a cocktail with their family or friends, or perhaps even their own business associates, and launching into a pitch! This makes you stand out as an amateur. And it will get you ignored, un-followed, or worse, blocked.”
Social Media Marketing is an easy and extremely effective way to get your message and product out into the world. All that you need to do is be wise in the way you do so. Remember that it is about the people, communicating and exponential expansion.

Build their trust in you and prove to them that you are more than a business owner, and that you are truly their friend. If they know that, you will always have their support as you climb your ladder to online visibility and success.

Top 10 Social Media Strategies

Social Media Marketing is the fastest, most wide spread, newest form of communication.  Successful networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, Hubpages, and blogging sites are often not used to capacity by website owners because they are unaware of the social site’s ability to significantly increase their online visibility.  

Here are the TOP 10 ways to be successful in the Social Media Marketing world. Simply read, absorb and for increased brand awareness from online consumers.
1.      Be Personal– If you want to grow your network of followers, personalize your own profile. Do not turn your profile into a billboard for your company and/or product. You should instead be yourself and personalize your profile with a few things that let people get to know you. Be simple and honest. The more they know and trust you, the more they will learn to trust your company.
2.      Build Lasting Relationships – Use social networks to increase your reach. Get to know people through casual personal contact. If you truly plan on long term business relationships, you must allow these relationships to grow naturally. Being someone’s friend often creates the best business partners.
Relationships come first in social media, business comes second! You may have heard that relationships are built phases or steps. First is meeting someone, and getting to know them. Then it is building a relationship of enjoyment, where you find that you like each other. The last is a where you know each other well enough to build a relationship of trust. Before you build online relationships, you need to meet people, and give them the opportunity to meet you.
3.      Place Value and Trust– To build the ‘like’ part of “know, like and trust” regarding online relationships, you must provide some kind of value, whether it is educational, entertaining, or enlightening. Inform the people about you and your business in a positive, helpful manner. The trust will follow when you provide value with consistency, visibility, and honesty. Trust is the most important way to reach success in life and as a business owner.
4.      Create Contacts– As you make friends with people on social networks add them as contacts. The number of contacts you have will constantly expand as you take part in the social media world by contributing valuable content.
5.      Join groups – You must become involved in the social networking world if you expect to communicate effectively in it. By joining groups, you connect to more people. Your contacts will feel more of a personal bond towards you when they learn that you have things in common.
6.      Do Your Part— Within your groups, contribute. Go to activities, comment on interests, and give away free products and services without hitches. Remember, your friends all have friends who have friends who have other friends. The more you grow, communicate and build trust, the more they will too.
7.      Be Seen—Stay visible and active. If your contacts and friends don’t know you are there, they won’t stay in touch or care what you have to say. Constantly comment and add new groups you’re interested in and communicate with them online, and offline. Change your profile with added pictures. Upload a humorous video.
8.      Declare Yourself— Post your information often. By posting business updates you will be able to create links to your own website and pull your friends/contacts into your business world. Have subtle discussions about your products without sounding salesy. Do not constantly advertise your brands or company, wait until somebody asks about them.
9.      Discuss Honestly— As you communicate about business matters remember that people always come first! Ask for advice and for other people’s opinions on how to make things better. See what products they like to use and why. Comment quickly, responsibly and effectively. Listen to what they have to say. If you ignore them, they’ll ignore you. Honest communication and trust is the best way to receive success in Social Media Marketing.
10.  SPAM-Free is the Way to Be— While you declare yourself, stay away from SPAM, as it creates a barrier between you and a potential online associate. As author Vicki Berry said in an article: Rules with Social Media,
“It is particularly presumptuous and unprofessional to post your product ads or business opportunities on someone’s social networking profile. This is akin to walking into their house without invitation while they are having a cocktail with their family or friends, or perhaps even their own business associates, and launching into a pitch! This makes you stand out as an amateur. And it will get you ignored, un-followed, or worse, blocked.”
Social Media Marketing is an easy and extremely effective way to get your message and product out into the world. All that you need to do is be wise in the way you do so. Remember that it is about the people, communicating and exponential expansion.
Build their trust in you and prove to them that you are more than a business owner, and that you are truly their friend. If they know that, you will always have their support as you climb your ladder to online visibility and success.

Martes, Nobyembre 29, 2011

How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Plan

I have made thousands of dollars with my own products as well as thousands as an affiliate of other people’s products. I know that the key to online success for this decade is to know how to effectively navigate the waters of social media marketing.

Early on in my online marketing career, I was blessed to become associated with two extremely successful online businessmen. One is the owner of Trust Guard. Trust Guard is the leader in website security and verification. Chances are you have seen their green shield on an ecommerce site.

Their seals show visitors to thousands of sites that the business is legitimate, that their information will be kept private, and that the website is protected against hackers. The owner, David Brandley, also created The Ultimate Link Exchange. Dave taught me the value of writing articles and linking one website to another. I’ll come back to that in a moment.

The other online genius I met early on was Garrett Pierson, author and social media guru. Garrett created the comprehensive, 20 module social media video guide known throughout the world as Building Social Equity. Thanks to him, I learned the value of writing articles and posting them on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many, many others.

When I decided to put the two forms of succeeding online together, I became successful myself. Now I use the talents of Dave, meshed with the skill of Garrett to write articles and submit them through a complex linking system to social media and article directory sites throughout the world.

Thanks to the help and support of these two successful online businessmen, I have been able to help thousands of online consumers learn about previously unknown quality products and services. In fact, now they are utilizing my services as much as I am utilizing theirs.

That just goes to show you the power of the internet. I can show you how to create an effective social media marketing plan. First, get Garrett’s twenty social media videos and do what he tells you to do. Other social media professionals charge ten times what Garrett charges for half the product. I guarantee you will learn how the beginnings of how to create your own social media marketing plan.

Next, display Dave’s Trust Guard seals on your website. If people don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you – period. His seals are more effective than McAfee Secure and you can get them at a fourth the cost. Lastly, order some articles from me. I will distribute all over the internet for you and increase your targeted traffic significantly or I will double your money back. You heard me – Double!

That’s because the service I offer is a no-brainer. My quality articles, written by U.S. college students and edited by U.S. college graduates are filled with relative content specific to your needs. I place them on your website and throughout the internet. People looking for your product read my article and click on links to your website. You make more sales. Is there more for you to learn about How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Plan? Sure there is! There is social proof products like Shopper Approved and customer support software like Rhino Support to name a couple. But until you do these three things, my other recommendations won’t make a difference.

Get busy and you will be successful!
Talk to you soon,